A conversation with Gox (Gift Obi)


Society, the root of all forms of social injustices we could think of. I guess the fact of the matter is, society is what's wrong with society, but we've heard this story before so I am not going indulge in another debate explaining what ideas society should or should not create. Instead we going down a road where boy meets men and a conversation about women erupts.

 Ladies and gentleman welcome to a conversation with Gox. Get comfortable.

It is given, men and women would go to any length to entice and capture the attention of the other. This form of fishing is very common in the human species. Each fishermen and fisher-women has one rod and they both cast their lines hoping they get entangled and just like that, a fairy-tale love💕? No! There is no such fairy-tale and it not a rod, nowadays people simply throw their whole nets then we have over-fishing and cheating, but that again is a story for another day.

For many us young men, uncontrolled exposure of poor representation of women through the media has led us to a certain belief. This belief has driven the way we approach women which in most cases is inappropriate and demeaning. Truth be told young men think or rather have been led to believe that women only want money.

Some may argue that there is some truth to the above mentioned statement, but this piece favors the majority of the hard working genuine women who are not swayed by money thrown. We salute you.

Throughout my high school years till date, I was driven by an uncontrollable urge to discover the secret formula of “what women want. My research took me through an adventure of African films and live drama, experienced first hand. This aided in drawing up the beautiful abstract that is my conclusion in the making.

I believe self-confidence and self-worth are important not just to young men but to women too. Needless to say self-confidence is not arrogance. Correct me if I am wrong, but I have found that women will give a second glance to men that are confident in who they are and who would not settle for anything less than what they deserve. Men that maximize their capacity. All in or nothing.

As a little proof, have you ever wondered why some of the most successful men in our generation had a partner who stayed with them from the time they were dust until the time they became successful. Two reasons, the ambition and direction these men had. A woman will never stay with a man with no ambition or drive and who gives her unnecessary attention whilst he achieves nothing. Eyebrow raise yet? 

Now to the Juicy details. Before we indulge I must say, stop believing in what Nigerian movies portray about women and their desire to prey or rather follow man of status. Look I am half Nigerian and I love Nigerian movies. I mean I am the guy that grew up watching Mr Ebu, and the other movies which featured top Nollywood stars. Now that I am enlightened I just feel those films depicted the half truth.

Okay back to the discussion on why women would not give a second eye to an ambition-less man. He depicts himself as one who lacks drive and direction like a kid. Decisions will have to be made on his behalf. He can't stand for something, so you know what the quotes say "If you can't stand for something, you will fall for everything."

The ABCs of how to get a second glance

Firstly be a man who wants to share his gifts and talents to the world, don’t be a guy who settles for 5 to 9 job simply because he can. Let every act be purposeful. Let 5-9 jobs be to reach a goal of one day owning your own venture and not to make you sick and miserable about your life. Remember whatever emotion you bottle up will sooner or later manifest itself either positively or negatively on the ones you love. Seek to be content.

Initiate the transition from boy to man, a boy likes being told what to do instead of what he truly wants and doesn’t take ownership of his decisions.

A case like this could be, you are going out with a girl she tells you that the beef burger in KFC (for example) is nice and that you shouldn’t go for your usual streetwise 2 with chips, and you do this without thinking because you want her to like you (please note women don’t like a yes man who is trying to impress her in order to get into her pants, you will be seen as phoney) making you less attractive.

I am not saying, do not follow her advice, but take them because you want to, and not because she tells you to do so, and take responsibility for it always.

In conclusion of this conversation, you don’t need money to get the woman of your dreams, the main important thing is that you need to find yourself and know what you want out of your life.

Signing off

-          Gox The Billionaire


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